
Welcome to a New Year and New Members

Welcome to a New Year and New Members

assorted-color fireworks illustration
Nicolas Tissot via Unsplash

Welcome to a new year and to our new members on the SAAL Board. I am excited to introduce myself as the incoming chair and to announce our election winners. I am especially grateful to have Judd Harbin on as outgoing chair to continue to help guide our organization. He and Leslie Meyerhoff (the outgoing past chair) have been a great team to work with to prepare me for this year.

About Me

My path to assessment is mostly through organizational design and improvement.  My earlier background in administration and management in nonprofits was where I first developed my love of strategic planning and assessment.  I brought that passion with me to higher education in order to constantly develop and improve programs that better serve our students.  I hope to apply these skills to my work as SAAL chair.  I am honored to be able to work with all of you. 

white and black rolled sticker on white surface
element5digital via Unsplash

Election Results

In November 2019, SAAL conducted our annual elections for open board positions. The 223 votes (16% response) are in and our newest board members are:

Chair-ElectNicole LongUniversity of Delaware
Government and Advancement Chair-ElectEulena JonssonDuke University
Advancement Chair-ElectDaniel DoerrUniversity of Connecticut
Professional Development Chair-ElectRenee Delgado-RileyUniversity of Oregon
Member-at-Large ElectMatthew PistilliIowa State University

Thank you

I give my most sincere appreciation for the members of the 2019 board who have completed their service in their current offices: Leslie Meyerhoff, past-chair; Megan Bell, secretary; Susan Fox-Forrester, external relations chair; Nicole Long, member-at-large (welcome as Chair-Elect!); Kellie Dixon, membership committee chair. I have learned so much by working with you.  Your service has made our field a friendlier, more inclusive, better informed community.

assorted pendant lights hanging on ceiling
Matt Jones via Unsplash

Get Involved!

If you are reading this blog, work in Student Affairs assessment (or otherwise meet our membership criteria), and have not joined SAAL yet, please click the “Join” item in the menu along the top of this page. Complete the membership form. Membership dues are very affordably priced at $0 (zero dollars). We would love for you to join us in our continuing mission to create an open and welcoming environment for educators who coordinate or contribute to assessment for and within divisions of student affairs to share and receive information and resources to advance their work.

For new or existing members, know the annual election survey is SAAL’s primary way of offering members the opportunity to express interest in volunteering for our committees. If you didn’t get a chance to express your interest on the ballot, please contact the committee chair for the group that interests you. Otherwise, stay tuned and watch the committees page to see who volunteer committee members are for 2020

From all of us on the SAAL Board, we wish you a happy new year! I look forward to all that we will be able to accomplish as a field of student affairs professionals. Please join me at the SAAL Member Social in Austin, Texas at the NASPA Conference in March. More information will be coming your way. Until then, happy start of the term!

Aimee Shattuck, SAAL Chair

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