
blog posts - May 2019

Blog posts May 2019

The Educational Art of Assessment

Art museums. Quiet venues designed for the imagination.  Places of inquiry that give you a glimpse into an artist’s creative mind.

Have you ever been to an exhibit and been captivated by the lines, shapes, forms, spacing, textures, colors, or value of the artwork?  When combined with a specifi…

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How to Navigate Unexpected Assessment Results

The big moment is here!  After all your planning and hard work collecting data throughout the year, the results are in and ready to be analyzed. As you begin to dive into the results, your smile turns to a frown and you begin to feel disappointed. 

These results are not what you expected or ant…

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‘El Agua es la Vida’: Going with the Flow as an Assessment Pro

Photo credit: Renee Delgado-Riley

‘El agua es la vida,’ means ‘water is the life.’ Thus, water is a critical element for sustaining life. It is our most precious resource and we cannot control it and must leave it to Mother Nature. For generations, my ancestors lived off the land in New Mexico and…

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