
blog posts - October 2018

Blog posts October 2018

Slay Your Campus Assessment Monster

Is your assessment house the kind that gives away the full-sized candy bars or one that gets egged every year, as is tradition, by the neighborhood kids?  With a keen eye and some patience, you can turn into a regular Assessment Van Helsing, and slay your campus assessment monster.  Assessment monst…

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Transferable skills - transferred

I have worked in Student Affairs since I was an RA a long time ago, and loved every minute of it. I enjoyed working with students at both their best and their worst, sometimes within hours of each part of that continuum. I remember stories from that time early on, and still even keep in contact with…

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When Assessments Don’t Provide the Results You’re Looking For

With the barriers many in Student Affairs face to create buy-in for the much-needed assessments, it can seem like an Olympic winning when others begin to see the importance of assessments and participate. But what happens when you are past the data collection phase and your results are not what you …

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What Motivates You to Engage in Assessment and does it Matter?



Photo by from Pexels

I was recently in a meeting when the subject of faculty and staff attitudes towards assessment came up in the conversation.  The discussion evolved into a debate about whether it is important that university employees value, or embrace, assessment or is it…

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4 blog posts

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