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Blog posts : "Blog"

Self-Assessment in Blended Instruction


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In the Fall of 2019, during the Covid-19 pandemic, I began teaching an online course for first-year, first-generation students. Along with most universities across the country…

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Making your Annual Report a Page-Turner

Photo by fauxels from Pexels


As we approach the end of another academic year, many of us will be needing to submit or create some form of annual report - a document detailing the various ways in which we meaningfully supported the mission, vision, and goals of our departments, divisions…

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Looking to the Past, Present, and Future: Supporting our First-Time Professionals during COVID-19


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To me, student affairs assessment has always been about asking questions. “What is the purpose of our work? How do we know we’re making a difference for our students? How are we im…

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Trend Alert: Comprehensive Learner Records (CLRs)

Image Credit: Elon University's Visual Experiential Transcript 


As Student Affairs professionals, we know the importance of demonstrating and assessing student learning. Many institutions use tools such as co-curricular transcripts to help students document their experiences. The curr…

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Oh, The Things You Can Find

Image Credit: Photo by Nátalie Rodrigues from Pexels

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Higher education is very good at reinventing the wheel. Why do something that another campus has done and demonstrated success with when you can…

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Assessing the State of Shared Governance


I love musicals!  As part of my bike riding regiment mentioned in Integrating STEEP Analysis into Planning, the Hamilton soundtrack became my go to playlist (by the way, I…

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2020 End of Year Letter to Membership

As 2020 is coming to a close, it is time for us to reflect on the past year. It has been a year of political unrest, fighting for racial justice, a national election, natural disasters, and a pandemic. And through it all, we have been working to do what we can to improve higher education and to supp…

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A Guide to Professional Development: The Assessment Skills Framework

Two recent blog posts (click here and here) have mentioned the various forms of professional development for assessment professionals. With many forms available, professional development is most valuable when aligned with a superficial goal or reason for learning more about assessment. Two assessme…

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Forward with the PDC: A Spotlight on Professional Development Offerings

Winter is right around the corner and if you are like me, I am getting a little anxious just thinking about all of the tasks I need to do before winter break.

Since the pandemic began, I have been juggling being an at-home employee and being my teen’s right-hand teacher and tutor as we navigate r…

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Outcomes & Updates: SAAL Open Course in 2020

I’m excited to announce SAAL is gearing up for the fifth offering of our free, open course: Applying and Leading Assessment in Student Affairs! This post will provide some results from the last course run, share changes and updates about the upcoming course, and then confirm the schedule for the c…

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To Grad Students: A List of ways to Get Assessment Experience

Comic about how easy it was to get a job in the 1970s versus how difficult it is today

Hey graduate students:

It’s job search season soon- but to get a job, you need experience, and to get experience you usually need a job. Well, when it comes to assessment, you can have your cake and eat it, too! Did you know that knowledge of and expe…

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Doing the Right Thing When It’s Harder

Planning, organizing, and implementing assessment of Student Affairs programs, events and other experiences in a purely online environment due to the shift to remote learning in Spring 2020 may have at first seemed easy and accessible. Why? No longer does the assessor have to  distribute half sheets…

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Equity Minded History: An Ode to Historically Black Colleges and Universities

I remember watching TV shows around Black culture growing up and seeing the representation of historically Black colleges and universities in the form of apparel - at the time, I didn’t know these sweatshirts were showcasing HBCUs. In my senior year of high school, I applied to one HBCU, Virginia Un…

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Integrating S.T.E.E.P. Analysis into Planning

gray concrete road beside green trees

Change Can Be S.T.E.E.P.

Like many who are adjusting to life during a pandemic, stress-induced bad habits (binge watching TV, eating too much junk food, working long hours from home, etc.) quickly manifested in my life.  As a diabetic with a heart cond…

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Equity-minded Assessment: The Time is Now

A commitment to equity-minded assessment is needed to better support students and drive their success. Luckily, now there are examples of practice to follow.

There aren’t very many positives that one can use for motivation during a global pandemic. There aren’t many silver-linings to be found when …

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Making a Statement

close view of graffiti wall
Image courtesy of Jon Tyson via Unsplash

When I sat down to draft SAAL’s statement on racial justice, I was nervous.

Writing for a national audience is different from writing for my campus. At my institution, I am prepared for the reactions I get when I speak out about injustice. I was ner…

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Doing the Right Things Versus Doing Things Right: Strategic Assessment Planning

Covey’s Framework

Stephen Covey’s 7 habits first debuted in 1989 and have been a major influence on shaping my higher education career. My familiarity with Covey emerged when I used to teach an undergraduate mentoring course e…

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It's Critical to Assess Social Justice Programs

character hand wallpaper
Image by Tim Mossholder from Unsplash

As institutions engage their communities with social justice and antiracism initiatives in response to the murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and countless other people in Black and Brown communities, it will be critical to assess the educational impa…

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Creating Space for Assessment: The Effectiveness of Open Labs

SUPERFLEX, ‘The Show Must Go On’, 2019, Kukje Gallery

Throughout the academic year it can be a challenge to corral faculty and staff to prioritize their time to review, reflect on, and provide analysis of findings related to their course and/or program assessments. Facilitating learning, …

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6 Lessons to Sustain Assessment in Today's Climate

As the last few months have shifted our world into this new virtual and remote environment, we are treading through ambiguity. This novel virus has abruptly brought us to a pause. In both serious and lighthearted ways, leaders h…

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20 blog posts

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