
blog posts - August 2020

Blog posts August 2020

Equity Minded History: An Ode to Historically Black Colleges and Universities

I remember watching TV shows around Black culture growing up and seeing the representation of historically Black colleges and universities in the form of apparel - at the time, I didn’t know these sweatshirts were showcasing HBCUs. In my senior year of high school, I applied to one HBCU, Virginia Un…

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Integrating S.T.E.E.P. Analysis into Planning

gray concrete road beside green trees

Change Can Be S.T.E.E.P.

Like many who are adjusting to life during a pandemic, stress-induced bad habits (binge watching TV, eating too much junk food, working long hours from home, etc.) quickly manifested in my life.  As a diabetic with a heart cond…

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Equity-minded Assessment: The Time is Now

A commitment to equity-minded assessment is needed to better support students and drive their success. Luckily, now there are examples of practice to follow.

There aren’t very many positives that one can use for motivation during a global pandemic. There aren’t many silver-linings to be found when …

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