
blog posts - January 2019

Blog posts January 2019

A Decade of Discussion: Themes from the SAAL Listserv (2009 – 2018)


The Student Affairs Assessment Leaders (SAAL) Listserv officially began with its first posted message on January 12, 2009. Since then, the Listserv has become a place for student affairs assessment professionals to learn about and to understand their role as it developed, to discuss emergent i…

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How I Disagreed My Way to a Better Understanding of AER


Assessment, evaluation, and research (AER).


Three separate concepts, right? Some people – like me – think so. I’m of the mind each of these are different concepts with specific purposes. There can certainly be instances where interests or aspects overlap, but this occurs as each exe…

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Happy SAALutations & Involvement for 2019!

Nicolas Tissot via Unsplash

Welcoming all of you into SAAL’s 11th year, I am writing today from the occupied territory of the Nuwuvi People, the seven tribes of the Southern Paiute--and especially, the Las Vegas Paiute Tribe.

With great delight and a good measure of both humility and anxiety,…

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A Renewed Invite to the Gathering Table

It’s been a year since the SAAL Blog was launched. We’ve had 33 posts in total and helped increase website traffic and unique visitors by more than 250%! The posts have spurred and responded to topics discussed on the listserv, as well as in the field at large. With a diverse range of topics covered…

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