
blog posts - August 2018

Blog posts August 2018

Gifts to our field

Hello SAAL blog readers,
Our next edition of the Journal of Student Affairs Inquiry is available for your review. On top of their already busy schedules, these contributors decided to share their knowledge with us, in an effort to help the field grow in new and productive directions. As the Edi…

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Should You Implement a Self-Study Process?

One of the things that I love about working in higher education is the balancing act between cultivating creativity and innovation while still reinforcing tradition and history.  Our students are every day grappling with the past in order to push into the future. As educators, we try to get our stud…

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Telling Our Story through a Departmental Blog

In the field of student affairs, we know assessment and data-based decision-making are important. A key step in the assessment cycle is reporting: sharing results and decisions with stakeholders. In the Center for Student Engagement (CSE) at George Washington University, we set out to improve how we…

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