
SAAL Blogging Team Application

Blog team members have a demonstrated interest in blogging, are interested in engaging the field of Student Affairs assessment in refection and dialogue, and are responsible for sharing at least four posts per year.  This is a one-year term. Applications are due Friday, March 17th.

SAAL Blogging Team Application

SAAL Blog Policies

Applications are selected on the basis of information submitted. Authors, titles, and content are expected to correspond to the application. The SAAL blog is noncommercial. Under no circumstances should the podium be used as a place for direct promotion of an author's product, service, or monetary self-interest. Individuals should refrain from using brand names and endorsing specific products. Presenters also must refrain from overt statements, harsh language, or pointed humor that disparages the rightful dignity and social equity of any individual or group. As a volunteer-based educational association, SAAL does not provide honoraria for blog submissions.